Joe Rogan says his time in Hollywood taught him that it’s a magnet for “insecure people” who will “adopt liberal sensibilities” for the chance at fleeting fame.
The famous podcaster recently sat down with The Hill’s Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti when the subject turned to Los Angeles, Tinseltown and subcultures created by the entertainment industry.
“That industry has made a bunch of f—-ing insane people because they were insane going in there — they needed a lot of attention already — and then on top of it, they get rejected over and over and over again,” Mr. Rogan, who recently left California for Texas, said June 17.
Mr. Rogan called Hollywood “the worst thing” for the mental health of insecure, fame-seeking men and women.
“Most people are bitter and most people are weirded out,” he continued. “And they adopt these liberal sensibilities ideologies, and they don’t necessarily do it because they’ve thought these things through. I mean, occasionally, you got your Mark Ruffalo-type characters really all in on things, but most of them are not. Most of them are just nonsense people, and those nonsense people will get on stage and they’ll say, like, at the Academy Awards or the Grammys, they’ll talk about ‘this is what we have to do. We have to make sure that we support this and that.’ It’s f—-ing horses—-.”
The result, Mr. Rogan said, is a cultural silo in Los Angeles, which filters out positions that differ from liberal orthodoxy.
“What they have [in Los Angeles and Hollywood] is a conglomeration of opinions that they have adopted because they think it will be beneficial for their career,” the “Joe Rogan Experience” host said. “I would go on these auditions and I would see these poor f—-s that were, like, lost in this world of being chosen for things. And that’s what shapes the entire mindset of that part of the country.”
Warning: Strong Language.